I’ve had some interesting trials in adapting my cooking to the German lifestyle and grocery stores. The biggest change, of course, is the conversion to metric measurements and temperatures. Fortunately, I had the presence of mind when packing in Athens to include my US measuring cups and spoons: dry, liquid, and tea/tablespoons. I also brought several of my favorite US cookbooks. Continue reading
Homemade Biscuits—Bisquick Substitute
I’ve complained about missing American foods, but I’m learning how to either do without or substitute. Here’s a recipe I’ve worked out for biscuits, to make up for the fact that Bisquick costs around €5 for a (very) small box. I’ll post a pic of the biscuits next time I make them.
The German Kitchen…
The other day, I wrote about the Ten Things I Miss About the US. Today, I just want to mention a few odd little kitchen-related things about life here that aren’t bad, really, just different. Continue reading