I guess I didn’t realize how long it had been since I added an entry to my journal. Once school started last fall I got pretty busy. But I’m going to try to make up for it. I’ve got a lot of stuff to tell and a lot of new pictures to add, so here we go!….
Well, first thing is that I bought a house in Athens, Georgia! I was so impressed by my visit there last summer that I decided UGA was the place I wanted for my doctorate work. So in one week we pack up the truck and head south for good!
Sheridan is going to be attending Athens Academy in the fall, for which I am very glad and excited. Now if I can just get my thesis finished….
I lost my hard drive back in February, so any pictures I hadn’t put on the site by then were lost forever in the mist of electronic data. Since then, though, I have pictures of Sheridan and her new cousins Jackson Christopher and Katelyn Rose (born November 11, 2003 to my wonderful sister Lisa and brother-in-law Jon), Sheridan’s Brownie graduation, her spring pictures, photos of the new house, hopefully pictures of her as flower girl at her uncle Pat and Sarah’s wedding (once I get them from her grandparents) and some other odd and end photos.
No tours for us this summer… With the move I’ll be lucky to afford groceries for a while. Visiting family is about all I can do.
More later… I promise to keep up better in the coming months.